Monday, May 23, 2005


It is 1:58 a.m. by my computer clock. I'm awake. Apparently Saturday night I took both the meds the "head" Doctor prescribed for me and slept from 1:30ish Saturday night until 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Won't be doing that again! One of the meds is supposed to help me think more clearly. It does that, I think. Apparently it knocks me on my butt when it done though! The kitties are up and awake with me too. Playing. They are so funny! I can't really see them, because I only have the light from the computer, but I can hear them playing and "yelling" at each other. I so glad I have them. More accurately they have me, I suppose. I just got done eating two bowls of cereal. I'm starving! I had a toasted turkey sandwich when I woke up. The only reason I woke was because Charles got home from his 'coaster weekend. I honestly thought it was 7:30 a.m. when I finally woke. He kept ringing the phone until I came around. I had (of course) put the chain on the door, as well as having both the bolts thrown. If it hadn't been for the chain he could have gotten it. I had so many plans - the least of which was to be looking pretty for him! As it was I was unshowered, my hair in a mass of tangles, and naked. OK, honestly, he did enjoy the naked part! It was really only, what 1 day apart? He left Friday afternoon and got back Sunday (today?) at 7:30. But, oh my. How beautiful he looked to me! He got a shower and his hair! The most gorgeous curls! Perfect spiral ring curls. Waves near the top, close to his head. Can I just say - YUM! OK, I'm drifting into "to much information." Sorry!

Now for more things I have learned. I live way to far away from work. People ask me why I don't move closer. So many reasons: It more expensive in VA than it is in MD. There is a tax one has to pay on one's cars (and we have two) when one moves to VA, not mention the cost of moving itself. We have an excellent deal where we're living and I don't think anyplace else could beat it. We could try to move closer to VA but stay in MD, but I think that's about as expensive as living in VA itself. And the lamest reason (or should it be excuse for this one) after driving back and forth on the beltway five days a week the last think I want to do is drive it again looking for places to live. I don't think realtors will help with apartment looking either. I'd almost be willing to do that. Give someone an idea of our price range and what we're looking for, let them find a few and go look at the weekend. Where we are now our electric, water, garbage, everything is included in rent. We pay phone and cable. And we have the "babies" too. I won't go anywhere that we can't take them. We pay a pet fee from them and that's fine. With that included we're just over $900 a month. Trust me - it's a deal. Having said all that - I haven't worked at all this past week. I'm not sure how to put this in words exactly. I guess what it is, is that I have no time. I work a 40 hour week. Yes, I know most people do. But I have an approximately 2 hour drive on average. That four hours on the road. That's half most people's work day, yes? I've been skipping my lunch hour, but with that I have a nine hour day. But for honesty purposes, without that hour I'm already away from home 12 hours. It takes me about an hour, hour and a half in the morning to wake up, take a shower, get dress, made up (when I do), and all that other good stuff. So now we're at 13 hours in things that just involve work! For me to be able to function I really need eight hours of sleep. So we have a 24-hour day, yes? I have 21 hours accounted for now. That leaves me 3 hours for me, Charles, the babies. I have to eat when I get home from work, that takes 1/2 hour. Then there's just "wind down" time when I get home. And let me tell you, the drive is horrendous! That's a normal day. Keep in mind, sometimes I have overtime. Sometimes the drive is more than and hour, hour and a half. Some days it's two hours there, two hours home.

I never planned to live here forever. And yes, just having finally written this out and seeing it in purple and white (giggle), I see I really need to make some sort of change. I love my job, but I may have to look for something closer to home. I absolutely must make at least what I making now though. Otherwise we won't make it financially. We were behind before I missed a week of work. So either find something closer to here (and hope I don't HATE it), or move closer. But the output of cash for moving closer will be quite a bit, I'm afraid. I dunno. I do know I will figure it out. One way or another. OK, it's 2:30 a.m. now. I'm gonna try to sleep.


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