Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm Tired

I'm tired and I'm tired of being tired. I'm so frustrated with trying to get this weight off. Soon I have another ultrasound and maybe this time they'll see something. Dr's. keep saying they can feel a huge fibroid, but then on the ultrasound they don't see it. All my blood work comes back in the normal range. I'm not normal though, lol. Seriously though, I'm not. My fevers are low. If I have a 99 degree temp I'm honestly in a bad way. In many ways I'm doing much better. I think I'm just a little down today. My stomach is so distended. One day maybe I'll take a picture. One Dr. said the fibroid was the size of a 24-week pregnancy. I look like I'm due any day. Well, the journey continues.

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